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High-Quality Wooden Puzzles for Adults

In today’s stressful, fast-paced world, sometimes all we want is to have a few hours of relaxation — a few hours to unwind, to escape from the pressures of day-to-day living. For this, many people turn to their mobile phones, video games, or their favorite streaming service.

But don’t you get tired of staring at a screen? Don’t you sometimes crave a fun pastime that’s truly offline, one that allows you to connect with the others around you while providing your brain with a little bit of a challenge and exciting your imagination?

If you found yourself nodding along with the questions above, wooden puzzles might be your answer!

Wooden puzzles for adults offer a sophisticated and enjoyable way to destress while still stimulating the mind. Jigsaws present us with challenge and reward in equal measure, combining entertainment and mental exercise in a way many people still find satisfying centuries after the humble wooden puzzle was invented.

Read on to find out more about wooden puzzles for adults and see for yourself why jigsaws are still so popular today.

Benefits of Wooden Jigsaw Puzzles

Wooden jigsaw puzzles are extremely beneficial for the human brain — more beneficial than you might think! In this section, we’ve broken down the main benefits of taking the time to assemble wooden puzzles.

Cognitive stimulation

It’s well-documented that jigsaw puzzles are an essential tool for cognitive development. This is why simple wooden puzzles are often recommended to preschoolers, whose tiny brains need an extra hand developing the kinds of mental skills we adults take for granted. But jigsaws aren’t just good for toddlers; they’re actually beneficial for adults, too, so they are well worth picking up at any point in life.

Solving our puzzles can help enhance memory and attention to detail and can improve critical thinking and analytical skills, too. While you’re building on these faculties, however, you’ll still be having a fun, relaxing time, sitting back in your favorite old armchair and assembling one of our beautiful works of art.

Developing problem-solving skills and patience

Problem-solving skills, patience, and visuospatial awareness are all skills we use in our day-to-day lives. Oftentimes, we don’t even realize we’re putting these talents into practice. At other times, we may be acutely aware they’re being exercised! Either way, we all benefit from continuing to develop these skills beyond childhood and into adulthood.

Completing wooden puzzles can help build on each and every one of these faculties while still being relaxing and fun. You may think that after a long week of work, the last thing you need is further mental stimulation, but jigsaw puzzles prove exercising your brain can be entertaining as well as enriching.

Reducing stress and improving focus

As we’ve already touched on, jigsaw puzzles are a great tool for helping reduce stress. This, no doubt, is a large part of why wooden puzzles for adults have been so popular in recent years. With the recent pandemic and the stress incurred by steadily increasing living costs, we all need ways to relieve stress more than ever before. Assembling a wooden puzzle provides exactly that relief.

At the same time, wooden puzzles for adults improve focus and concentration, often providing a calming and almost meditative exercise for people who enjoy them. Here at Woodmax, we’re big believers in the therapeutic power of a good jigsaw; as such, all our puzzles are designed to help you relax and recharge, allowing you to set aside some time to recharge.

Aesthetic appeal

Another crucial benefit of wooden puzzles is just how breathtaking they are to look at. The jigsaws we sell here at Woodmax are beautifully crafted, featuring gorgeous artwork on a number of themes. Nature, architecture, abstract art, fantasy — whatever your particular interests, you’ll be able to find something in our extensive collection to suit your tastes.

After completing a puzzle, you can even frame and display it as a piece of art, making it a great addition to the interior of your home. Having taxed your brain so thoroughly during the assembly process, you definitely deserve to show off the finished product to friends and family! This aspect of wooden jigsaw puzzles only adds to their considerable appeal.

What to Look for in a First-Rate Wooden Jigsaw Puzzle

If you’re new to the world of wooden jigsaw puzzles, you may not know exactly what to look for in a truly high-quality puzzle. In our commercialized world, the sad reality is most puzzles on the market are cheaply made and poorly produced, with manufacturers cutting corners to make a quick buck. But we firmly believe that if you’re going to give jigsaw puzzles a shot, you should do so with a set that’s nothing short of exquisite.

In this section, we’ve given you a few pointers so that you can tell apart a mediocre jigsaw from a truly great one.

Careful craftwork

The craft behind a wooden puzzle is one of the most important elements. Each individual puzzle piece should be carved with precision and care, ensuring that they all slot together perfectly, creating a flawless final product. From the look of the puzzle alone, you should feel that the manufacturer cares about their work, their reputation as a craftsperson, and, most importantly, about you, the puzzler.

What’s more, a truly responsible manufacturer will demonstrate an interest in the global community by exercising care when it comes to crafting materials. All the companies represented here on our website do exactly that, making sure to only use sustainably sourced wood for their adult jigsaw puzzles. This demonstrates an extra level of attention that, in our opinion, no jigsaw manufacturer should forego.

High-quality materials

The materials used in creating jigsaw puzzles are of great importance. Using high-quality materials ensures that assembling a wooden jigsaw puzzle is a pleasurable experience for puzzlers. The feel of a well-crafted wooden puzzle piece is undeniably satisfying, as is the sensation of slotting them neatly together.

Cardboard and plastic jigsaw puzzles may be cheaper and easier to manufacture, but this comes at the cost of a unique experience for the puzzler. If you’ve put together both cardboard and wooden jigsaw puzzles, then we’re sure you know exactly what we mean.

Appropriate difficulty level

An important factor to consider when you’re picking out a jigsaw puzzle, especially if you’re new to puzzling, is how much of a challenge you’re after. If you’re a total jigsaw newbie, then we’d recommend starting off with a beginner puzzle.

Sometimes, more simplicity will allow you to get a feel for puzzling without leading to overturned coffee tables and frustration. On the other hand, if you’ve tried your hand at a few jigsaws in the past and are looking for a greater challenge, we have a selection of difficult puzzles that will provide you with exactly that.

If you’re not buying a jigsaw puzzle for yourself but as a gift, it may be wise to find out what sort of challenge level the individual is used to. That way, you know how complex a puzzle you should purchase for them.

Intricate designs

A lot of wooden puzzles for adults feature intricately detailed images that will require you to pay special attention. Such jigsaw puzzles require careful thought and strategy to complete, usually taking hours spread out over multiple days.

If you doubt your patience levels and would prefer something simpler that you can finish in less time, you’ll certainly be able to find something suitable. But if you’re up for the challenge of something a little more intricate and complex, we definitely have what you’re looking for. In short, no matter your age, experience, or patience levels, you’ll find the perfect wooden puzzle in our extensive collection.

Unique shapes

When you picture jigsaw puzzle pieces, you most likely imagine a classic square. Here at Woodmax, though, we sell wooden jigsaw puzzles with pieces in a variety of unique and irregular shapes. This innovation makes the puzzle-solving process a bit more engaging, as you have to pay special attention to the various shapes in a set to determine how they fit into the image you’re constructing.

Some of the most charming features of wooden jigsaw puzzles are whimsy pieces. These are uniquely shaped puzzle pieces meant to reflect the theme of the jigsaw. For example, a jigsaw puzzle with a garden theme might have whimsy pieces depicting flowers and butterflies. These special pieces are gorgeously crafted and wonderfully detailed, lending wooden puzzles an extra touch of charm and — well, whimsy.

Our Wooden Puzzle Collection

At Woodmax, we pride ourselves on being able to provide wooden puzzles to suit anyone, regardless of their taste or experience level. We stock puzzles made by three fantastic makers, ensuring that each and every set purchased from our extensive collection lives up to your high expectations — and ours.

In this section, we’ll acquaint you with our three brilliant manufacturers and tell you a little bit about our most popular categories and themes. This brief introduction should provide you with a great place to start when it comes to picking out wooden puzzles for yourself, friends, or family.

Popular types and manufacturers

We offer a range of different types of wooden puzzles on our website. Not only do we sell puzzles for adults, but we also have them for children, meaning people of all ages can enjoy quality jigsaws thanks to our services. Wooden puzzles themed around classic paintings are extremely popular, so we have an extensive collection of jigsaws based on fine art. Many of our high-difficulty premium puzzles fall into this arena.

As mentioned above, we sell puzzles made by three manufacturers. These are:

  • Unidragon mostly focuses on themes like nature, animals, and fantasy in their jigsaw puzzles. Using sustainably sourced wood for all their products, Unidragon works hard to ensure that each of its bright, gorgeously decorated wooden puzzles is stunning to look at and fun to complete, regardless of age or experience.
  • Wentworth Puzzles. Established in 1991, tucked away in the heart of rural England, Wentworth Puzzles creates jigsaws with cultural, historical, and educational themes. Each puzzle is a work of art in and of itself, featuring the most charming whimsy pieces, really elevating their jigsaws and making them each a pleasure to complete and discover.
  • DaVici makes puzzles with fantastical themes and surrealist art, as well as charming pieces aimed at children. Their mysterious designs feature bright colors and gorgeous whimsy pieces that make each a delight. Among the various offerings of this brand is its Zodiac collection, which features art from the renowned Josephine Wall.

Popular categories and themes

A broad range of themes are represented in our catalog, meaning we have a little something for everyone. Below, we’ve covered some of our most popular categories, but this list is by no means exhaustive. If you don’t see quite what you’re looking for here, we’d still encourage you to browse our collection. We’re sure you’ll find something perfectly suited to your taste.


Animals are an ever-popular theme for wooden puzzles, both for adults and for children. All three of our manufacturers produce wooden jigsaw puzzles featuring animals and other wildlife motifs, brought to life in brightly colored, detailed pieces of art. Many of these designs include themed whimsy pieces, as well, making each puzzle a little bit extra special.

Here is an example of just one of the dozens of animal-themed wooden puzzles available through our website. Wentworth’s Bird Paradise puzzle features whimsy pieces shaped like birds and flowers, all of which come together in a sweet, brightly-colored tableau of some feathered friends in a gorgeous garden. Medium-sized with 250 pieces, this wooden jigsaw puzzle will provide a moderate challenge for puzzlers.


Art is another one of our most popular categories, with artists including Van Gogh, Monet, and Turner all finding a place in Woodmax’s extensive collection. Buying one of these jigsaw puzzles is a great way to bring art into the home, especially since you can display these stunning works after completing them.

Lovers of surrealist art may particularly enjoy some of DaVici’s puzzles, as they often choose abstract designs for their jigsaws — for example, Salvador Dali’s “The Persistence of Memory,” as shown above. In addition to featuring a really striking work of art, this particular piece is composed of 470 intricate and unusually shaped puzzle pieces, providing even experienced puzzlers with a moderate challenge.


Much of the reason behind the jigsaw puzzle’s recent surge in popularity can be attributed to our need to escape from the stresses of daily life. With this in mind, it’s unsurprising that fantasy — the ultimate expression of our escapist yearnings — is another highly popular theme. This category also allows for some truly fabulous artworks, using bright colors, extravagant set pieces, and absolutely magical imagery.

Given their leaning towards the fantastical, it makes sense that DaVici would offer so many jigsaw puzzles in the fantasy category. The above puzzle, Bathing of the Colorful Dragon, is a wonderful example of just how charming and aesthetically appealing fantasy jigsaws can be. Look closely, and you may notice whimsy pieces in the shape of dragons, cats, and even dinosaur skeletons, all nestled away within this 125-piece wooden puzzle.


Coming back down to earth, geography is another of our most popular themes. Wentworth is quite well-known for its cultural and educational wooden jigsaw puzzles, so it’s no surprise that they offer a number of sets themed after famous locations across the globe. Not only are these pieces entertaining, stimulating, and gorgeous to look at, but they are also educational, allowing puzzlers to get to know a little bit more about the world around them.

The above puzzle, The Thames with View of the City of St. Paul, is one of Wentworth’s most captivating. Available in two sizes with 250 and 500 pieces, this wooden jigsaw puzzle displays a stunning view of the River Thames, all abuzz with people and overlooked by the looming colossus of St. Paul’s Cathedral. This charming set has a number of whimsy pieces depicting famous London landmarks, including Big Ben, London Bridge, and plenty more we’ll leave you to spot for yourselves.


Nothing encapsulates the meditative quality of wooden puzzles better than a mandala design. Composed of swirls of bright colors and flowing, repetitive patterns, every square inch of a mandala design is packed with intricate design and lots of detail.

As well as offering animal-themed jigsaws, Unidragon also produces magnificent mandalas, including the above Mandala of the Rising Sun puzzle. Available with 200, 350, and 700 pieces, this set caters to a wide range of ages and experience levels. With its detailed pieces, attractive colors, and impressive overall design, this set would make an excellent addition to any collection of wooden jigsaw puzzles.

Extensive offer of challenging wooden puzzles

As we’ve demonstrated above, here at Woodmax, we have designs to suit every aesthetic inclination and experience level. Whether you’re looking for something specific for yourself or are browsing for a gift for a friend or family member, you’re sure to be able to find what you’re looking for in our extensive collection.

If you’re a newcomer to the world of wooden jigsaws and want to build up your confidence before trying one of our hard puzzles, we have a range of simple sets that you can try out. On the other hand, if you’re looking for a challenge, we can certainly accommodate that, too. We invite you to have a look around and explore our extensive collection!


Wooden jigsaw puzzles have been a cherished pastime for centuries and aren’t letting up in popularity any time soon. If you’re looking for a way to unwind after a stressful week at work while still feeling like you’re exercising your brain and keeping it active, you really can’t do any better than wooden puzzles for adults.

Whatever it is you’re looking for, we’re sure you’ll be able to find something in our collection to suit your needs. Hopefully, in the not-too-distant future, you’ll be able to display one of our gorgeous puzzles and show it off to friends and family. If you do, we hope you enjoy the addition to your home.

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of wood are our puzzles made from?

Quality and sustainability are both key concerns for our three manufacturers. As such, Unidragon, Wentworth Wooden Puzzles, and DaVici all use sustainably sourced wood in their products; according to their websites, Unidragon and DaVici use plywood and birch, respectively. What’s more, all three use recyclable materials in their packaging, demonstrating a dedication to minimizing waste as much as possible.

The wood used in our jigsaw puzzles is not only sustainably sourced but is also of the highest quality. Our traditional puzzles can, therefore, be seen as investment pieces of a kind, lasting not only your lifetime but hopefully those of your children and grandchildren, too. Multiple generations will be able to enjoy these beautiful puzzle designs for years to come.

How many pieces are in each wooden jigsaw puzzle?

The number of pieces in each of our classic puzzles varies between sets. Simple puzzles may have anywhere between 100 and 250 pieces, whereas more difficult puzzles could have over 1,000. This variety means that all of our customers can easily find something to suit them in our catalog of unique designs.